Kundalini yoga is my daily practice for the last 14 years. It helps me set my energy for the day and rejuvenate, overcome my blocks, give a break to my mind often too busy out there, strengthen my body with targeted exercices, get friendly with discipline, and helps shift my moods whenever I need.
It combines postures (asanas), breathing exercices (pranayamas), meditation and mantras,
all together in one kriya (set of exercices).
There are hundreds of kriyas which are all very specific: helping to reduce stress and anxiety by strengthening the nervous system, increasing vitality, supporting the immune system, working on addictions, detoxing, increasing motivation and self confidence, balancing the chakras, increasing focus and more.
In my classes I like to share very easy and practical tools that can boost or balance your energy instantly. I like to give them context, using the elements in nature supporting the practice, whether life cycles, nature cycles, and the nature itself when I offer workshops in nature, which is my favorite yoga studio.
Kundalini yoga can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, shape, physical abilities and level of fitness. It is suitable for beginners and for advanced yoga practitioners.
Kundalini Research Institute, USA (2014/15)
Aumyoga studio & healing center, India (2018)
Quinta do Rajo School, Portugal (2020-23)
ONLINE 1h class
every Tuesday, 8am UTC
every Friday, 1-2.30pm UTC, Quinta Ten Chi, Sintra
depending on the time of the day, the season, your specific needs,
we choose together specific kriyas or pranayamas adapted to your concerns.
(in English or French)
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